
Fighting my enemy, the dreaded Creeper. PAX 2011

My name is Lauren, I'm a recent college graduate who studied chemistry and biochemistry. I currently live in Seattle and I like food: I like to eat it and I love to prepare it, but sometimes I go overboard. I'm trying to learn to learn to be more aware of what I'm eating, how much, and how it's affecting me.

A question I get a lot is, why Kat Food? There isn't really an exciting name except that my middle name is Katherine, and it's always been the name I prefer, so I wanted to use it. Also, for a few years now I've used "TheLaurenKat" as a screen name because it sounds like a lame superhero, and I love superheroes (and regular heroes). So it's Kat Food, because I talk about food and other things that I consume, and it's about me, Lauren Kat.

Here, you'll find my food diary posts (everything I eat, every day), reviews, and other things that interest me. I record everything I eat because I need a way to hold myself accountable. Ever since starting my daily posts, I haven't snuck a single candy bar, handful of chips, or cookie. That's not to say I don't eat them, as I'm sure you can see, but I make sure to calculate them into my daily allowance.

I don't have a daily calorie goal or a set workout plan (unless I'm doing a workout DVD series or training for something special). I count my calories not to limit myself, but to keep in mind what and how much I'm eating. If I didn't eat so well one day, I notice my mistakes and try to compensate the next day.

I shoot my pictures with my Canon Powershot SD940 IS currently, but in my first posts I was just using my HTC Rezound. I like having a decent cell phone camera, so I have no excuse not to take pictures, but I prefer the Powershot for quality and options (whitebalance, exposure, etc.).