Saturday, May 26, 2012

How to: Wheel Pose

As I've said before, I love yoga. It's my favorite way to exercise (although I never consider it a "real" workout) and I'm always looking for new opportunities to make myself better. This is one of the first advanced/intermediate pose I was able to pull into, and I'll admit it: I'm still pretty proud of it. There's a good amount of wrist strain and a potential for neck injury, so I recommend caution and if this is your first time, try to have a friend spot you, especially as you come out of the pose.

Here are my step-by-step instructions:

 Step one: look and feel very awkward at having someone take pictures of you doing yoga. 

 Step two: Lay on your mat with your arms by your side and knees bent, feet hip-width apart and as close under your knees as is comfortable.

Step three: put your arms next to your head, shoulder-width apart, with your fingertips almost touching your shoulders. 

Step four: push up with your feet and hands, pushing your hips up vertically. Arch your back, and hold this for ten or fifteen breaths, as long as you feel you can manage. 

Note: if you can't manage the full wheel pose, a good way to build up to it is bridge pose, so you can practice arching your back and opening up your chest.

 Step five: for me, this is the tricky part. Lower yourself out of the pose by bending your knees while lowering your hips. You'll move forward and should be able to round your spine onto the mat without too much impact. If you're nervous about this, try to have someone spot you here.

Let me know if this was helpful or if you have any questions. If you have any concerns about this pose, I recommend asking your friendly neighborhood yoga instructor or even personal trainer at your gym for help. 

And remember, yoga is not about perfection. For me, it's about learning to appreciate what my body can do, and enjoying its power in the moment. My form is not perfect, but it gives me something to work on and to improve. I think it's important to challenge yourself in every aspect of your life, and to always work on making yourself better.

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