Saturday, May 26, 2012

Food Diary: 25 May 2012

Because I'm tired of the first picture of every day being oatmeal. Raspberries (10 Cal).

Today was a nice, relaxing day at the end of a crazy week. I did my fourth 30 Day Shred workout (level one again), and then had drinks after work. I'm looking forward to the long weekend before my last week (!!) of my undergraduate career. It's absolutely overwhelming and fantastic and terrifying. Here's to going out strong!

And the food:

 Oatmeal with raisins (350 Cal)

 Shamefully, I think these might be the first raw vegetables I've posted on here. Broccoli, carrots, cucumber, and cauliflower: 30 Cal.

 String cheese (80 Cal)!

Chocolate chip cookie (450 Cal). 

A half pint of skim milk (90 Cal). 

A store bought chocolate chip cookie (100 Cal). 

Jagerbomb! 70 Cal for the Rockstar, 150 Cal for the Jagermeister.

 I hadn't had either of these drinks before, I think this is called a Washington Apple shot. 70 Cal.

Falafel sandwich on whole wheat pita from Aladdin's Gyro-cery. I spent ages walking up and down the Ave before deciding on this. It was a great choice-- I love falafel. I think about 350 Cal.

Total Calories: 1680.

I thoroughly recommend Aladdin's for gyros-- I'm not generally a fan, but they do great falafel and I've heard great things about their meat sandwiches-- lamb and beef.

I'm wearing Revlon's Mysterious on my nails if you were wondering. It's a gorgeous cobalt blue, and cost $5. I've been looking for this color for ages and I adore it: my first nail polish by the brand.

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