Sunday, May 20, 2012

Food Diary: 19 May 2012

I went to the Street Fair today! Just thinking about the potential deep-fried everything makes my mouth water. You can see that I held back, though, in the pictures below.

What a treat! Oatmeal and raisins on a Saturday morning! 350 Cal. 

 Garlic fries-- I shared these with a friend of mine, so I had about half. I love garlic and herbs on fries (I think my favorite kind of fries have herbs and truffle oil), but these were sort of stale. Not my favorite. 250 Cal.

 I also split an elephant ear. These remind me of going to the Zoo as a kid. Deep fried heaven. 250 Cal.

 Fuji apple (100 Cal) and string cheese (80 Cal)!

 Some Orville Redenbacher salt and vinegar popcorn (I'm not 100% sure I'd recommend it). I also had a sample of caramel corn at the fair that I forgot to snap a picture of (20 Cal and 10 Cal)

Dots! I only got orange, pink, and red in this batch. 130 Cal.

Total: 1190 Calories. No vitamins today.

I think that splitting the fair food and paying attention to when I was feeling sick and over-greased helped me control my appetite at the fair. And it helped to keep in mind that $4 is not a reasonable price for corn, when I can get it for 25 cents at a supermarket this time of year. Ridiculous.

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