Monday, May 21, 2012

Food Diary: 21 May 2012

Today was the aftermath of two levels of Yoga Meltdown in a row. As I suspected, I had been a little sloppy with my leg raises (I was having trouble getting back into the swing of things and so I paid too much attention to keeping up with the DVD and not enough on keeping my lower back rooted against the floor), so my abs weren't sore at all. However, my legs and bum were absolutely aching from the workout, and it was hard to move at any reasonable pace and at work I had trouble standing still without taking stretch breaks. It was glorious. I love knowing that I, all by myself, pushed myself past my comfort zone into the area where I can feel myself getting stronger. I held myself accountable, and that isn't always the easiest thing to do.

Onto the food, which is a little shameful.

Oatmeal with raisins (350 Cal)! I made myself pay attention to what I would be able to eat before getting full, and I honestly told myself that two cups of oatmeal were more than enough, so no strawberries today (which is just as well since they cost a fortune where I work).

Here is the shameful part. The only other thing I ate today was a giant double chocolate chip cookie (450 Cal). I do not at all recommend replacing lunch and/or dinner with a giant cookie, but after that I felt kind of sick and so I wasn't in the mood at all to eat afterward.

Total: 800 Calories.

Now, the reason I'm calling it for today is because 1) It's 9:30 and kind of late for dinner, and 2) I just finished working out. After my Yoga Meltdown review yesterday, I decided that today I'd do a Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred review, and decided that I would do all three levels in a row as a refresher, and then just type up the review. Of course, it's been ages since I've done the workouts and so after level one (keep in mind, I was aching from yesterday), I decided to call it a night and finish  the rest of the DVD tomorrow. It's much harder than I remembered, but as I did the moves and it all came flooding back. I think I have found my workout for the next 30 days (this would be my second complete "thirty day shred"); stay tuned for the review.

So I'm going to take a shower and get to bed early. I am feeling a little lightheaded but not at all hungry (the lack of appetite is the immediate aftermath of a good workout, and will be followed by days of ravenous hunger), and eating would make me nauseated anyway (I have a very sensitive stomach). I figure it's better to just sleep it off.

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