Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Food Diary: 28 May 2012

I did not want to work out today. Or do anything at all, really. After yesterday's hour and a half of Jillian Michaels' DVD workouts, I was so sore and stiff, I did not want to move at all. I think it's important to realize that there are always going to be days like this (and for a long time when you start working out, every day is like this), but it's absolutely essential to keep moving.

So, to reward myself for actually getting out of bed, I started off with a pretty big breakfast:

French toast (plain, with salt, 150 Cal) and scrambled eggs (plain, with salt, 150 Cal).

Oatmeal (with raisins, 350 Cal). I hope I never get sick of it.

 Here's that cheeseburger I promised myself yesterday. It's another Gardenburger from A Burger Place (also called "Burger Burger"), this time with sauteed mushrooms (400 Cal). So good. Also, an order of fries (300 Cal). 

 After finding someone to eat the rest of my previous box of Dots so I wouldn't have to, I of course decided to buy another box (this time Sour Dots). These are not nearly as good frozen-- they get much harder. I'm going to try to eat them refrigerated tomorrow, since I honestly didn't enjoy them nearly as much as I would have liked to (140 Cal).

Total: 1605 Calories (with vitamins)

I finished another level two workout from the 30 Day Shred and it was, of course, miserable, but I love the way it feels to finish. I'm not sure which day I'm on, exactly, but I know I'm still a workout behind (I'll try to catch up after finals next week).

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