Thursday, May 31, 2012

Food Diary: 30 May 2012

Today was a rough day all-around, and my choices may have reflected that a bit. I also slept for about four hours after work, so I'll have to shred right after I finish this. Kickboxing in the morning was a struggle again, but I got through it (workout two) and I'm looking forward to workout three (abs!) tomorrow.

Also, I found out those giant cookies I get from work (like here and here) are 450 Calories, not 350 Calories-- oh the horror. Mostly it's just inconvenient since I have to go back and edit my previous posts (I like to take weekly averages of my intake). Honestly, I already kind of knew that the cookies were closer to the 400 Calorie mark, but I was being optimistic. Unfortunately, now that I'm aware of the actual value, I can't just leave my records the way they are.

By the way, if you want to add me on Pottermore, my user name is DraconisEcho5692. I'm a Ravenclaw, of course.

Onto the food!

Kind Fruit & Nut bar (180 Cal)! This wasn't bad, but it was a little sweet for me. I'd probably just prefer to eat trail mix in the morning-- the glucose syrup that keeps the dried fruit and nuts together is a little bit overkill and way too chewy. 

Er. Yes. I ate Sour Dots (140 Cal) on the way to class. I purposefully did not take the green ones, which are awful. 

 I love macaroni and cheese (510 Cal). I get this from a food cart on campus and it's so good. It's definitely my favorite comfort food, and when I finally have a kitchen again I know I'll have to make Alton Brown's baked macaroni and cheese weekly. It's absolutely worth the calories.

Nonfat Greek yogurt (60 Cal). 

Skim milk (90 Cal).

Medium banana (90 Cal). I don't really like bananas, unless I mix them with other things, like Greek yogurt or oatmeal.

As a kid, I grew up on mămăligă (100 Cal), which is basically a corn meal porridge, and I love it. I had corn meal ("grits" or "polenta" grade), and I had water, but I didn't want to get out a pan so I tried using the microwave. I do not recommend this at all, my concoction was disgusting, rubbery, and bland (it's really good with cottage cheese but I didn't have any). I did not finish the bowl.

I'm almost done with my Sour Dots now (140 Cal), since I've decided to throw away the green and purple ones. This is a shame, because it means next time I'm on the Ave, I'll stop into Bartell's and get Raisinets, which just means bad news and no self control (also, how am I supposed to know what a serving looks like until I get a food scale?).

Total: 1325 Calories, with vitamins.

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