Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Food Diary: 9 May 2012

Please excuse the white balance, some issues need to be worked out. It should be worked out soon.

This is what I ate today:

String cheese (80 Cal) and pesto bagel (360 Cal)

Potato chips (210 Cal) ; strawberries, pineapple, cantaloupe, honeydew (110 Cal); skim milk (90 Cal)

 Half a piece of coffee cake (125 Cal)

Three cookies: oatmeal raisin, butterscotch chip, and sugar (280 Cal)

Gummy vitamins! (I forgot to take them in the morning) (15 Cal)

Fuji apple (80 Cal)

Chipotle chicken wrap (560 Cal)

Total Calorie Count: 1910

That is all for today. I will expand on the background/purpose of this when I'm not looking forward to a sleepless night riddled with coordination chemistry.

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