Sunday, May 20, 2012

Food Diary: 20 May 2012

Today I went to the Annual University District Street Fair (again)! We covered the half north of 45th mostly, and it was pretty much the same as the southern half: artists, trinkets, junk food, etc. I was tempted to eat all of the food, but my stomach limited me after I ate my weight in oatmeal this morning (again). I still ate a good amount, which spurred my decision to restart my Jillian Michaels' DVD habit again, followed by a review of the DVD (see my post about Yoga Meltdown). Anyway, onto the food!

 Sixteen ounces of oatmeal, with raisins (350 Cal). I should mention that I never feel guilty overeating oatmeal, because it never makes me feel sick and I know its good qualities (ahem, fiber) vastly outweigh the bad.

Scrambled eggs (150 Cal) and a slice of French toast (150 Cal). I like my French toast just with some salt usually, but I've also been known to it scarf it down covered in whipped cream and strawberries, or maple syrup, or jam, or anything else really. 

And then came the fair: giant strawberries on a stick, covered in dark chocolate (175 Cal), bought from the Shishkaberries stand (seen in the background). This was kind of tricky to eat, so I lost some of it. I think it would be easier if they put the strawberries on the other way around, but I'm not an expert. 

Veal bratwurst with grilled onions and mustard (450 Cal). Now's as good a time as any to mention that I don't eat pork, which contributes a lot to the general lack of meal in my diet. It's a bit of a pain to ask restaurant owners and waiters if there is pork in sausages, etc., so I generally just go with the vegetarian option (which I suppose I prefer anyway).

And then I went by the Mighty-O Donut stand, and bought a dozen mini doughnuts for $6.

 I split these with a friend: I ate four (80 Cal * 4 = 320 Cal), he ate eight. They were hot and crispy and I absolutely recommend picking some up if you're in the area. Fun fact: they're vegan. I also like that they list their nutrition information on their website, so it's readily available. 

Total Calorie count: 1595. 

I've been slacking a bit on the vitamins, but mostly because I don't really think that multivitamins do a whole lot. Yes, I'd take vitamin D and calcium supplements (because osteoporosis sneaks up on you and it's important to maintain healthy levels of these nutrients throughout your life to avoid problems later, and I don't take in nearly enough of them through my diet), but everything else I can get through a balanced diet. I just like the gummy vitamins, as a backup (they have vitamin D) and because they're candy.

P.S. I've added a "follow the blog" option to the bottom of the page.

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