Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Food Diary: 22 May 2012

My lower body is killing me. Today, after class, I did level two of the 30 Day Shred, and it wiped out my already tired body (from level one yesterday). I'd forgotten what it was like to hurt like this, but I'm looking forward to being able to say I completed the plan again. As if once wasn't hard enough.

Today I made a conscious effort to eat more, and since I just worked out and it's already 8:30, I think I can say I'm done for the day. I feel like I'm saving up to eat something big, or paying for what I ate last weekend. Since your body naturally stays in a certain fat:body mass ratio when you pay attention to hunger signals, I suppose it makes sense that after the fatty food I ate at the fair I'd be less hungry for a couple of days. We'll see what Jillian has to say about that in the morning, though.

What I ate today:

A whole wheat bagel (340 Cal)! Since bagels are pretty dense and usually rather sweet, I try to eat them plain, but I'll admit that when it's convenient I'll slather on Neufchรขtal cheese or with sweet bagels (e.g. blueberry, chocolate chip), I toast them and have them with butter.

 This is the same kind of Chipotle bowl from a few days ago (560 Cal), but my water had slightly more lemon in it and afterwards I ate the wedge (5 Cal). I love lemons. 

 I'm still working on that package of Lay's Original Potato Chips (160 Cal), which is encouraging since usually I eat them by the fistful when no one's looking. And no one understands why I've been keeping a food diary....

Dots (130 Cal)! Frozen, mostly. They thawed a bit by the time I got to them. Seeing this picture makes me want frozen Junior Mints, though. Oh, another encouraging thought: this same box of Dots has lasted me more than a week since I'm too ashamed to post pictures of two servings (i.e. two pictures) on here. Hurrah!

Total Calories: 1195

Tomorrow I'm planning on doing level three of the 30 Day Shred, so after that I should be able to post a review, but really I'm considering waiting until I complete the workout again (so it wouldn't be up for another month). I really don't like incomplete reviews, like after only one or two days. I did the whole workout a year ago, and then the DVD intermittently over the eight or so months that followed, but my arms and hamstrings are telling me that really it's been forever since I worked out this hard and that my body is appalled at my laziness.

I'm sorry, body. I'll do my best not to fail you again.

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