Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Food Diary: 29 May 2012

It's crunch time! Since this is my last week of undergraduate classes, I'm under a lot of stress. I have to say, though, my new workout routine is really helping by giving me energy and keeping me calm and collected. I feel like the regularity of it is giving me enough structure to stay organized. Here's to a strong finish to the last sixteen years of my life.

 Whole wheat bagel (340 Cal)! Plain, of course.

String cheese (80 Cal). I went a little overboard with the string cheese today... 

I also had string cheese (80 Cal) for lunch, with a rice and bean burrito from Movable Feast (286 Cal). I don't really recommend these burritos-- they're pretty filling and have a good amount of fiber if you look for it, but they're bland.

Don Miguel chicken chimichanga (460 Cal). I think when I bought this I was thinking it'd be more like an enchilada. I wasn't a huge fan, overall. I did have it with plain Greek yogurt (60 Cal), though, which I love. 

My favorite food to come out of a can: peaches (60 Cal). I drained off the grape juice, which cut a lot of the sugar. I love peach juice (Nantucket Nectars peach orange and cranberry juices are my favorite kinds of juice), but I don't really get the point of soaking a sweet fruit in sugar syrup (which is essentially what concentrated grape juice is).

Mm... Sour Dots (140 Cal). Not better refrigerated, by the way. And the green ones (apple) are awful, even though the box would lead you to believe that they're hilarious. 

I bought these Chips Ahoy original chocolate chip cookies (190 Cal) with the intention of eating them with milk, and then I discovered my milk had expired earlier this week without ever having been open! I was, of course, crushed, since I didn't get a chance to use my Batman pint glass. I'll have to find a suitable beverage for it, since it doesn't get nearly enough love.

Total: 1711 Calories, with vitamins.

I think I might be mistaking dehydration with hunger, which is a common theme when I work out a lot (a lot for me, anyway). Tomorrow I'll try to drink more water and give into cravings for sweet, convenient food. For someone my size, I think that 1700 Calories is excessive. I'm not too concerned, but it's something for me to keep in mind.

Oh, and today I started my day off with kickboxing. It was great-- I had so much energy and felt so awake. And I finished the day strong with level one of the shred. I can definitely feel myself getting stronger and more toned.

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