Friday, May 18, 2012

Food Diary: 18 May 2012

Oh, the food. The food today was so good. It was Friday, so after work I went to dinner with some coworkers, to by far the best sushi restaurant I've been to in Seattle. 

It's a tiny restaurant in Wallingford called Mushashi's. It's cheap, the pieces of fish are enormous, and everything's so fresh you could easily believe it had been swimming that morning. The only thing is, the line is always huge, so get there at five when they open for dinner or prepare to wait ages to be seated. They also have very limited hours on odd days, but the inconvenience is completely worth it (note: it's also cash only).

Let us begin:

Sliced strawberries (40 Cal)! 

Oatmeal with raisins (310 Cal). I... er... dropped some on the floor accidentally, so I lowered the count accordingly.

The sushi! 

 Chirashi bowl. I'm not sure how to calculate out the nutritional content. I only ate about half of the rice (this is a big dish), so I can say about 100 Cal for the rice, and maybe 350 Cal for the fish (salmon, scallops, tuna (red and ahi), shrimp, eel, and yellowtail I think), and about 40 Cal for the roe and sauces. Total: 490 Cal, and completely worth the $14.50.

 I'd never have the chirashi bowl before, so I decided to supplement with two pieces of salmon nigiri (huge!), which I think is my favorite food. I had all of my sushi with some soy sauce and wasabi, and a few pieces of ginger (total: maybe 10 Cal). Calories from nirigi: 120 Cal. It cost an extra $4.

And the on to Molly Moon's, just down the street. 

This is a single scoop of balsamic strawberry ice cream in a waffle cone. In general, their ice cream is very sweet, so make sure to taste before buying (I had a sample of the honey lavendar first, which was a little overkill for me, and I forgot to take a picture. Maybe 10 Cal from that). This dessert cost me: 610 Cal. Definitely not an every day sort of meal.

All of that, with my vitamins (15 Cal), come to: 1605 Calories. I had to estimate on most of the restaurant food, but I think I was fair.

Tomorrow is the University District Annual Street Fair. I'm considering stopping by, but I'm not sure I'll be able to refrain myself from eating loads of fried foods. "Once in a while" so easily turns into "every day" when every day is another special occasion.

Note: I tweeted Molly Moon and nutritional content is not currently available for their desserts-- keep that in mind. I estimated that the ice cream was around 500 Calories based my estimation of one cup for one scoop.

1 comment:

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