Friday, May 11, 2012

Food Diary: 10 May 2012

Yesterday (the 10th) was a long day. I spent many hours finishing up a lab report, and the rest studying for a midterm next week. I finally got some sleep.

This is what I ate, during the small amount of time I wasn't frantically working.

A bowl of Grape-Nuts and non-fat milk (I'm lactose-intolerant, and skim milk is easier for me to digest) (300 Cal)

A turkey and harvati sandwich (560 Cal), Tim's potato chips (210 Cal), red delicious apple (I don't really like these apples, but they're the only ones I can easily get on campus) (80 Cal)

Calorie count: 1150

This weekend is going to be insanely busy, as I'll be frantically studying for my Monday midterm, but I'm hoping to get a chance to go outside, maybe go rock climbing, definitely play Kinect (I love Just Dance 3).

As a side note, I started doing floor exercises/lifting small weights again a couple of weeks ago and while I've been feeling a bit stronger, today I felt my abs and they felt strong. It was an amazing and encouraging feeling. Maybe I'll pull out my Jillian Michaels DVDs to do in the mornings starting this week. They're intense and make you feel accomplished for the rest of the day, but I've been so tired and busy lately I haven't been able to get back into the routine (and by that I mean I've been spending all of my free time watching the first three seasons of Heroes).

Since I live in dorm, I find it hard to make time to haul all of ingredients and cooking equipment to a central location in order to make a decent meal. Tomorrow morning (5/12), I'm hoping to get up early, do a DVD (maybe Ripped in 30, or if I'm feeling lazy Yoga Meltdown), and make enough steel cut oatmeal to feed me breakfast for a week (it keeps well in the fridge, and then can be reheated and eaten plain or with milk and raisins).

I'm hoping my food dairies will give me a better of how I can improve my idea, and the idea is to hold myself accountable for what I'm consuming. My plan is to take pictures of everything I eat: if I have a Kit-Kat at two in the morning because I'm feeling bored, it'll be here. It's helping me think of every single food choice I make, before I make it.

That is all for now. I've already started eating for today. Pictures should be up tonight.

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