Sunday, June 3, 2012

Food Diary: 1 June 2012

My SD card reader wasn't working (and still isn't; I had to use a friend's laptop to get these photos off of the card), so this post is a day or so late. It's a shame, since this was also my last day of class as an undergraduate and I'm sure I would have had something profound to say. Probably.

I started the day off with level one of the 30 Day Shred to make up for the night before and workout one from Kickbox FastFix. I finished the day with level three of the 30 Day Shred. Level three was excellent; lately I've been having trouble getting sore after my workouts and this did it-- jumping jacks with hand weights and jumping lunges killed me.

 Strawberries and blackberries (40 Cal). I don't really like blackberries, but they're finally in season and I thought I'd give them another try.

Oatmeal with raisins (350 Cal). Jillian Michaels said on the Daily Dose (which I recently subscribed to on YouTube) that eating oatmeal will never make you fat. Oh Jillian, I could so easily prove you wrong. I could eat this all day every day.

A red delicious apple (80 Cal)-- not my favorite sore, and a little bruised. I didn't finish it, which is a shame because I generally love apples.

A light serving of multi-grain pasta with pesto marinara (extra pesto) and Parmesan cheese (174 cal for pasta, 60 Cal for sauce, 15 Cal for cheese, total: 249 Cal)

I went to A Burger Place again, and got a hamburger with onions, lettuce, tomato, fresh mushrooms, pickles, and mustard (350 Cal) with an order of fries (300 Cal).

Total: 1469 Calories.

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