Thursday, June 14, 2012

Food Diary: 14 June 2012

Unsweetened and iced black tea with a slice of lemon (2 Cal)

Another uneventful day. However, I am thoroughly pleased to have leftovers to eat for the first time in weeks. It's surprisingly exciting!

Leftover oatmeal pancakes (400 Cal). I just let the leftovers cool on a paper towel, put them in a container and tossed them in the fridge. This morning, I put them in the microwave until they were heated through and dipped them in maple syrup! 

 Maple syrup (50 Cal). I think measuring it out and dipped is better since you can keep track of what you use and don't underestimate when it soaks into the pancakes.

My new favorite snack! Arugula, tomatoes, and avocado (100 Cal). The tomato and avocado mean that I don't need dressing, and the arugula means I don't need spices!

Leftover black beans (spiced with cumin, ginger, cardamon, allspice, and cayenne) with reduced fat sharp cheddar cheese (290 Cal). I found that reducing the cheese from yesterday didn't adversely affect the taste at all!

More pancakes (400 Cal) with even less maple syrup (40 Cal)!

Strawberries and blueberries (40 Cal)

The last Kind bar from my last shopping trip: Almond and Coconut (210 Cal). Must get more!

Total: 1530 Calories

30 Day Shred Update (expected completion: 19 June):
Level one: 8 times
Level two: 7 times
Level three: 8 times

I'm still two days behind, and I believe that this is accurate.

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