Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Food Diary: 18 June 2012

Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnut, frozen (200 Cal)

Today was my first day at a full-time job. It was remarkably similar to my work as an undergraduate (I'm in the same lab), but somehow less productive because I was less rushed. I can already tell I'll be able to get more done and learn more, though, since there aren't nearly as many time constraints. I like it. Also, I really enjoy making my own lunch.

 Half of a Kirkland apple strudel (190 Cal)

 Sugar snap peas (70 Cal), Arugula (5 Cal), Tomato and avocado (33 Cal and 150 Cal)

Kirkland apple strudel (390 Cal)

Strawberries (95 Cal)

Whole wheat elbow macaroni (390 Cal) with extra sharp cheddar cheese (110 Cal)

 Steamed broccoli (25 Cal)

Whole wheat bread (190 Cal)

With honey (50 Cal)

Whole grain Goldfish crackers (140 Cal)

Total: 2038 Calories

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