Sunday, June 3, 2012

Food Diary: 2 June 2012

I think everyone is starting to feel the heat from finals week (this upcoming week), so I spent a good amount of today studying. After trying to fix my SD card reader for an hour or so this morning and fighting with my laptop, I gave in and did workout two (lower body) from Kickbox FastFix and then proceeded to study for most of the day.

Exciting news, though: I've finally caught up on the 30 Day Shred. I did both level one and two tonight, which means (gulp) that I'll be doing level three tomorrow. These workouts aren't easy: if they are, you aren't doing them right (honestly, if they're easy, add weights or do the exercise on one leg, there's always something you can do). It feels good to catch up, though. I think that means I just finished day 13, and I can feel the improvements I've made. I think that at day 15 I'll take some before shots of my abs and we can see if there's any improvement at day 30. My arms and legs are getting (scared) looks though. 

The food!

Greek Gods plain nonfat Greek yogurt (60 Cal) 

Organic fuji apple (90 Cal), one of my favorites. This was an excellent apple. If you're having trouble picking ones that aren't grainy, when you press to see if it's bruised, press a little harder than you think you should. If there's any more than the reasonable amount of give, don't bother with it. 

My normal Chipotle order-- brown rice, black beans, chicken, pico de gallo, corn salsa, and lettuce (560 Cal). With water with a lemon wedge (2 Cal). 

Malted milk balls (190 Cal)-- I'm keeping a serving at a time from my big bag in the fridge so it's easier to control myself. I love these so much, but they're not at all filling so I can't justifying eating them straight out of the bag with the hopes that I'll get tired of eating them. 

I splurged! I bought these Rips (350 Cal) at the 7 Eleven and ate the entire bag (3.5 servings). They remind me of being a chubby kid in middle school because I would buy these out of the vending machines. They were much better when I was a kid (now I prefer Sour Apple Punch Straws), but they're still sour candy. Om nom.

Total: 1265 Calories (with vitamins)

That was lower than expected. I think the exercise is keeping my stomach small and appetite down as long as I'm doing it regularly. That's a shame: I'd love an excuse to eat an entire bag of potato chips.

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