Thursday, May 31, 2012

Food Diary: 30 May 2012

Today was a rough day all-around, and my choices may have reflected that a bit. I also slept for about four hours after work, so I'll have to shred right after I finish this. Kickboxing in the morning was a struggle again, but I got through it (workout two) and I'm looking forward to workout three (abs!) tomorrow.

Also, I found out those giant cookies I get from work (like here and here) are 450 Calories, not 350 Calories-- oh the horror. Mostly it's just inconvenient since I have to go back and edit my previous posts (I like to take weekly averages of my intake). Honestly, I already kind of knew that the cookies were closer to the 400 Calorie mark, but I was being optimistic. Unfortunately, now that I'm aware of the actual value, I can't just leave my records the way they are.

By the way, if you want to add me on Pottermore, my user name is DraconisEcho5692. I'm a Ravenclaw, of course.

Onto the food!

Kind Fruit & Nut bar (180 Cal)! This wasn't bad, but it was a little sweet for me. I'd probably just prefer to eat trail mix in the morning-- the glucose syrup that keeps the dried fruit and nuts together is a little bit overkill and way too chewy. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Food Diary: 29 May 2012

It's crunch time! Since this is my last week of undergraduate classes, I'm under a lot of stress. I have to say, though, my new workout routine is really helping by giving me energy and keeping me calm and collected. I feel like the regularity of it is giving me enough structure to stay organized. Here's to a strong finish to the last sixteen years of my life.

 Whole wheat bagel (340 Cal)! Plain, of course.

Food Diary: 28 May 2012

I did not want to work out today. Or do anything at all, really. After yesterday's hour and a half of Jillian Michaels' DVD workouts, I was so sore and stiff, I did not want to move at all. I think it's important to realize that there are always going to be days like this (and for a long time when you start working out, every day is like this), but it's absolutely essential to keep moving.

So, to reward myself for actually getting out of bed, I started off with a pretty big breakfast:

French toast (plain, with salt, 150 Cal) and scrambled eggs (plain, with salt, 150 Cal).

Monday, May 28, 2012

Food Diary: 27 May 2012

Oh, tell me you haven't had candy with (or as) breakfast before. Tomorrow, I need to get back to oatmeal. I miss it terribly.

Turkey and harvati sandwhich (560 Cal).

Review: Jillian Michaels Kickbox FastFix

Kickboxing is by far my favorite cardio workout. It's lower impact than running, more convenient than swimming (I'm also terrible at swimming), and it's a ton of fun. I usually hate cardio. So, when my sister asked me what I wanted for a graduation present, I said this: Jillian Michaels' Kickbox FastFix, which I believe only came out a couple of months ago. Long story short, I love it.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Food Diary: 26 May 2012

What an excellent today. Tomorrow I'm hoping to go to Pike Place Public Market and get some fresh produce, but last night I went by QFC and got some dark chocolate and strawberries, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

The breakfast of champions! Theo's 70% dark chocolate, about a square and a half (about 90 Cal).

Saturday, May 26, 2012

How to: Wheel Pose

As I've said before, I love yoga. It's my favorite way to exercise (although I never consider it a "real" workout) and I'm always looking for new opportunities to make myself better. This is one of the first advanced/intermediate pose I was able to pull into, and I'll admit it: I'm still pretty proud of it. There's a good amount of wrist strain and a potential for neck injury, so I recommend caution and if this is your first time, try to have a friend spot you, especially as you come out of the pose.

Here are my step-by-step instructions:

Food Diary: 25 May 2012

Because I'm tired of the first picture of every day being oatmeal. Raspberries (10 Cal).

Today was a nice, relaxing day at the end of a crazy week. I did my fourth 30 Day Shred workout (level one again), and then had drinks after work. I'm looking forward to the long weekend before my last week (!!) of my undergraduate career. It's absolutely overwhelming and fantastic and terrifying. Here's to going out strong!

And the food:

Friday, May 25, 2012

Food Diary: 24 May 2012

I bought a Batman Pez dispenser from their Justice League line. I love Batman.

Onto the food!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Food Diary: 23 May 2012

Today was so absurd that I'm still working on schoolwork. But here is what I ate:

Medium fuji apple (I prefer organic because they don't have waxy peels) (80 Cal)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Food Diary: 22 May 2012

My lower body is killing me. Today, after class, I did level two of the 30 Day Shred, and it wiped out my already tired body (from level one yesterday). I'd forgotten what it was like to hurt like this, but I'm looking forward to being able to say I completed the plan again. As if once wasn't hard enough.

Today I made a conscious effort to eat more, and since I just worked out and it's already 8:30, I think I can say I'm done for the day. I feel like I'm saving up to eat something big, or paying for what I ate last weekend. Since your body naturally stays in a certain fat:body mass ratio when you pay attention to hunger signals, I suppose it makes sense that after the fatty food I ate at the fair I'd be less hungry for a couple of days. We'll see what Jillian has to say about that in the morning, though.

What I ate today:

A whole wheat bagel (340 Cal)! Since bagels are pretty dense and usually rather sweet, I try to eat them plain, but I'll admit that when it's convenient I'll slather on Neufchâtal cheese or with sweet bagels (e.g. blueberry, chocolate chip), I toast them and have them with butter.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Food Diary: 21 May 2012

Today was the aftermath of two levels of Yoga Meltdown in a row. As I suspected, I had been a little sloppy with my leg raises (I was having trouble getting back into the swing of things and so I paid too much attention to keeping up with the DVD and not enough on keeping my lower back rooted against the floor), so my abs weren't sore at all. However, my legs and bum were absolutely aching from the workout, and it was hard to move at any reasonable pace and at work I had trouble standing still without taking stretch breaks. It was glorious. I love knowing that I, all by myself, pushed myself past my comfort zone into the area where I can feel myself getting stronger. I held myself accountable, and that isn't always the easiest thing to do.

Onto the food, which is a little shameful.

Oatmeal with raisins (350 Cal)! I made myself pay attention to what I would be able to eat before getting full, and I honestly told myself that two cups of oatmeal were more than enough, so no strawberries today (which is just as well since they cost a fortune where I work).

Review: Olay Ultra Moisture Body Wash

I hate putting on lotion. I don't like the way it feels on my hands or on my skin, and it takes ages to put on and to sink in. So, despite my dry skin, I'll generally forgo the use of moisturizers no matter how itchy and dry my legs get, just about until I scratch to the point of bleeding. At least, I did until I discovered Olay's Ultra Moisture Body Wash.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Food Diary: 20 May 2012

Today I went to the Annual University District Street Fair (again)! We covered the half north of 45th mostly, and it was pretty much the same as the southern half: artists, trinkets, junk food, etc. I was tempted to eat all of the food, but my stomach limited me after I ate my weight in oatmeal this morning (again). I still ate a good amount, which spurred my decision to restart my Jillian Michaels' DVD habit again, followed by a review of the DVD (see my post about Yoga Meltdown). Anyway, onto the food!

 Sixteen ounces of oatmeal, with raisins (350 Cal). I should mention that I never feel guilty overeating oatmeal, because it never makes me feel sick and I know its good qualities (ahem, fiber) vastly outweigh the bad.

Review: Jillian Michaels' Yoga Meltdown

I have long been a disciple of the church of Jillian Michaels' workout DVDs, starting with the 30 Day Shred more than a year ago, and moving through other titles: Ripped in 30, No More Trouble Zones, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, Killer Buns and Thighs, and 6 Week Six Pack. Today I want to talk about one that I keep coming back to in all modes of fitness: Yoga Meltdown.

Food Diary: 19 May 2012

I went to the Street Fair today! Just thinking about the potential deep-fried everything makes my mouth water. You can see that I held back, though, in the pictures below.

What a treat! Oatmeal and raisins on a Saturday morning! 350 Cal. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Food Diary: 18 May 2012

Oh, the food. The food today was so good. It was Friday, so after work I went to dinner with some coworkers, to by far the best sushi restaurant I've been to in Seattle. 

It's a tiny restaurant in Wallingford called Mushashi's. It's cheap, the pieces of fish are enormous, and everything's so fresh you could easily believe it had been swimming that morning. The only thing is, the line is always huge, so get there at five when they open for dinner or prepare to wait ages to be seated. They also have very limited hours on odd days, but the inconvenience is completely worth it (note: it's also cash only).

Let us begin:

Sliced strawberries (40 Cal)! 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Food Diary: 17 May 2012

I'm going to call it a bit earlier than usual today, as I just went to Chipotle and had an excellent and filling meal, and don't want to be tempted by the Dots hidden in my freezer (again).

Here we go!

 Oatmeal day! On Thursdays, I like to get oatmeal (with raisins, 350 Cal) on campus (well, I'd like to everyday), because I don't have class until later in the afternoon. And strawberries (40 Cal) are finally in season... ish. I like this breakfast with milk (skim, 90 Cal) to cool and thin out the oatmeal, and I just like the way strawberries and milk taste together.

Food Diary: 16 May 2012

Food of today:

 Turkey and harvati sandwich (560 Cal). I like this sandwich because it's very filling, but I wish the bread had more fiber, like a whole wheat or rye bread.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Food Diary: 15 May 2012

Caprese salad, arugula, broccoli, and strawberries (210 Cal) 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Food Diary: 14 May 2012

 Steel cut oatmeal with raisins (80 Cal) and string cheese (80 Cal)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Food Diary: 13 May 2012

 String cheese (80 Cal), Non-fat plain Greek yogurt (60 Cal), Fuji apple (80 Cal)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Food Diary: 12 May 2012

I had Grape Nuts with non-fat milk for breakfast (300 Cal). 

And Grape Nuts with non-fat milk for lunch (300 Cal). 

Food Diary: 11 May 2012

This is me at work yesterday, waiting for a Western blot to finish washing. I think,

And this is what I ate:

French toast (plain, 149 Cal), scrambled eggs (plain, 154 Cal), oatmeal (16 oz, with raisins, 328 Cal)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Food Diary: 10 May 2012

Yesterday (the 10th) was a long day. I spent many hours finishing up a lab report, and the rest studying for a midterm next week. I finally got some sleep.

This is what I ate, during the small amount of time I wasn't frantically working.

A bowl of Grape-Nuts and non-fat milk (I'm lactose-intolerant, and skim milk is easier for me to digest) (300 Cal)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Food Diary: 9 May 2012

Please excuse the white balance, some issues need to be worked out. It should be worked out soon.

This is what I ate today:

String cheese (80 Cal) and pesto bagel (360 Cal)

Potato chips (210 Cal) ; strawberries, pineapple, cantaloupe, honeydew (110 Cal); skim milk (90 Cal)